One of the aspects that can most influence the harmony and symmetry of the face is the definition of the lower third, especially around the chin and neck area. The double chin, that accumulation of fat under the chin, not only affects the aesthetics of the profile, but also the general perception of the facial structure.
The double chin is the part of the neck that is located in the lower part of the chin, its bulge corresponds to a subcutaneous layer that stores fat or may be the result of the alteration and relaxation of the neck muscles. Over time, the skin loses its elasticity, and in combination with being overweight, this area tends to accumulate fat. In addition, the relaxation of the neck muscles contributes to the flabby appearance of the double chin.
It is necessary to evaluate each case to determine which procedure is appropriate in each case. There are techniques Surgical and non-surgical to achieve improvement and these procedures can be applied to both men and women.
For those seeking to improve the definition of this area, there are several surgical and non-surgical options:
Regardless of the treatment chosen, maintaining a stable weight and adopting good health habits is essential to preserve results. A healthy lifestyle not only benefits your appearance, but also your overall well-being.
If you want to improve the definition and appearance of your face, don't hesitate to schedule an assessment consultation. Each face is unique, and therefore a personalized evaluation is crucial to determine the most appropriate treatment.
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