When will I see the results of the liposuction?

When will I see the results of the liposuction?

Liposuction It is one of the most popular aesthetic procedures for eliminate excess fat and sculpt the body. However, one of the most common questions that arise among those who undergo this surgery is:”When do you see the results of the lipo?“Understanding the recovery process and the time needed for results to become visible is crucial to having realistic expectations and fully enjoying the benefits of liposuction.

Immediate postoperative phase

Right after liposuction, It is normal for the treated area to be swollen and purple. This is part of the body's normal healing process and, although it may be a little disconcerting for the patient, it's only a temporary phase. If post-operative pain is a concern, we have successful forms of pain management to make the process very bearable for the patient.

Swelling and bruising: Swelling is most severe during the first few weeks after surgery. Bruises may also appear, but tend to fade after 7-15 days.

Initial results: Although you may notice some changes in body shape immediately after surgery, these results are often masked by inflammation. Don't worry if the treated area seems bulkier than you expected; this is normal and temporary.

The first weeks of recovery

For the first 4 to 6 weeks after Liposuction, the body is still in the process of recovery, and the swelling begins to decrease gradually. This is when the first real results start to be visible.

Decreased inflammation: As the swelling subsides, you'll begin to notice a more defined contour in the treated areas. It's important to follow your surgeon's instructions, wear the compression band and perform post-operative therapy to aid recovery and improve healing.

First signs of results: At the end of the first phase of recovery, usually between 6 and 8 weeks, most patients begin to see significant changes in their body. However, these are not yet the final results.

When do you see the final results of the lipo?

The final results of liposuction usually appear 6 to 12 months after surgery. This time allows the body to fully adjust to the changes, for the inflammation to go away completely.

During these months, your body continues to adapt to its new shape. It is normal for treated areas to continue to evolve in terms of contour and firmness.

Once you reach the 6-month mark, the results of liposuction are generally long-lasting, as long as you maintain a healthy lifestyle. This includes a balanced diet and regular exercise to prevent fat accumulation in other areas.

What should you consider if you have had liposuction?

It is important to remember that each body is different, and the time to see the results may vary from person to person. Factors such as the amount of fat removed, The technique used and individual resilience can influence how quickly they become visible the results. Another important factor is that if your procedure is secondary liposuction (not the first time) the results may take longer to notice.

Medical follow-up: Keep your follow-up appointments with your plastic surgeon to ensure that you are healing properly and to resolve any concerns you may have during the recovery process.

Realistic Expectations: Patience is key when it comes to see the results of liposuction. While it's normal to want to see an immediate change, it's critical to have realistic expectations and understand that liposuction is major surgery, and the body needs time to recover and completely reduce inflammation.

Liposuction it is an excellent option for sculpting the body and removing areas of persistent fat, but Remember that it is not weight-loss surgery. Throughout the first few post-operative months, your body will go through several stages of recovery before definitive results become visible. If you are considering liposuction and are looking for an assessment with the highest standards, I wait for you in my valuation query.

Dra. Adriana Ruiz Cirujana plastica en Bogotá

Dra. Adriana Ruíz

Cirujana Plástica, Estética y Reconstructiva

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"Es confiable, fue muy clara y honesta en el diagnóstico que yo necesitaba. La doctora es dedicada confiable y el tratamiento me gustó mucho la información, es clara es honesta cuando hace las valoraciones"
"Me hice una cirugía de nariz hace una semana, la Doctora Adriana es una persona súper amable y siempre tiene una sonrisa con sus pacientes. Su asistente es un ángel como su nombre.

Gracias por todo su soporte y ayuda durante todo el proceso".
Nubia Lucero Mozo
"La Dra. Adriana me realizó una cirugía que siempre anhelé y no lo había hecho antes por temores en cuanto al procedimiento y demás, ella me ayudó, me guió, respondió siempre con amabilidad mis dudas e inquietudes, de una manera profesional y realista, lo que me generó mucha confianza y tranquilidad, ahora estoy segura de que ella fue mi mejor decisión para esto, no solo por su gran profesionalismo desde el comienzo hasta el final sino también por su empatía y calidad humana, es excelente."
Melissa Amaris
"Me realice un par de procedimientos con la doctora Adriana y me siento super feliz y 100% satisfecha con los resultados. Mi seguridad aumentó muchísimo y a solo un mes desde la cirugía ya puedo notar grandes cambios como por ejemplo el sentirme contenta y segura al momento de tomarme fotos y videos, sin absolutamente ningún filtro o sin tener que tomarme fotos desde distintos ángulos para verme mejor. Ahora se ve mucho más perfilado y definido, esa inseguridad que tenia ha desaparecido y puedo experimentar con distintos peinados sin sentirme extraña".
Camila Díaz
"Me operé con ella y estoy feliz con los resultados, quedé como siempre soñé la recomendaría mil veces, no sólo es una excelente profesional, tiene una calidez humana increíble, defitivamente La MEJOR."
Alejandra Pabón
"La Dra Adriana es una persona maravillosa, excelente profesional, te resuelve todas las dudas y te da toda su confianza, me realizó lipoabdominoplastia y quedé súper feliz, tal como esperaba, incrementó mi autoestima, en verdad estoy muy agradecida, es muy detallista y dedicada con sus pacientes, mil gracias doc, pronto me realizaré  una cervicoplastia y estoy segura que será un gran cambio., infinitas gracias"

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